onsdag 11. mars 2009

Herb Stuffed Mackerel

Mackerel is a delightful fish, but sadly - not used as much as it deserves... 
Here I will show you a nice and healthy recipe you can impress friends, family and lovers with...

Clean some mackerel by cutting with a knife from the ass until the head... Drag the stuff inside the mackerel out and clean it with water...Do this to as many fish you want to... some people eat one, some eat two, and very few people eat three, but if they do, don't blame them, blame your self for cocking a great meal, and me, for giving you this fantastic recipe..

Take some salt and pepper and rub it inside the fish.
Stuff it with some fresh herbs, for example rosemary, sage, thyme, chives and mint.. try to choose some of them, everything together can be a little to much.

Cook it in the oven until done, at 180 degrees. Its done when it's done, I can't remember for how long it should be there...

Squeeze some lemon on top 5 minutes before taking it out, pour a little water and spice it up with more pepper and salt..

Serve together with a simple green salad, some oven-roasted potatoes, fresh lemon and some expensive white wine!!!


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